• 0760-86215075
  • helen.wang@zsmeiyuan.com

OUR MISSION: Making women around the world more beautiful and more confident.

1. “Making”:  MEIYUAN will confront future with proactive and positive attitude;
2. “Around the world”: from geography view, to cover every corner; from marketing view, to appear broad market; from sharing view, to broadcast our concept and culture;
3. “More”: progress and learning, we provide better products, better services, better technology, higher quality and safety, and better satisfaction and experience.
4. “Beautiful”: beauty of the face and the truth, goodness and beauty of the body and mind
5. “Confident”: believe in yourself, focus on the field, and never give up
OUR VISION: Becoming the most respected comprehensive service provider in the makeup industry.

1. “Makeup industry”: Orientation of Meiyuan in these period;
2. “Most”: Hope to form a high reputation and influence in the industry, and become the leader and benchmark of the industry;
3. “Respected”:Respect from customers; respect from peers; respect from employees
4. “Comprehensive service provider”:Provide customers with a transformation from a single service to a comprehensive service; from OEM to ODM; starting from customer needs

OUR VALUE:Achieve our customer, Unite our team, Pursuit of excellence, Grow for life

1. Achieve our customer: Customer value orientation, ecological symbiotic relationship, quality, service, innovation, balanced development of internal customers and external customers
2. Unite our team:Each has its own beauty, the beauty is the same; individual excellence does not mean that the team is excellent; result-oriented value creation and value realization;
3. Pursuit of excellence:Efficient, honest, and creative; internal delivery and external satisfaction beyond expectations;
4. Grow for life:The improvement of employees' personal ability; learning organization; the harmonious development of employee value-added and enterprise value-added